Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Halloween was real fun this year...except for the rain!! Kezia understood the concept and loved to dress up in her costumes...yes costumes. We went to three parties and Kezia went to Grandma Wilson's company party. Needless to say she got plenty of candy! Anyway, here are some pictures of Halloween this year.

Kezia "Queen Bee" Wilson

Kezia "Pink Curls" Wilson

Kezia "Lady" Wilson
Fun Halloween Party with play group kids!

Grandma Wilson and her Queen Bee! (Karla is a bee keeper so this outfit was perfect to go with Grandma to her party)
My good friend Kyona had a Halloween party. It was super cute!! Kezia loves her two little boys Spencer (Buzz Light Year) and "Baby Roger" ( Woody)

She had this cauldron filled with dry ice and poured Sunny D in it. The kids loved it!!!
Bret and I carved pumpkins. This Frankenstein was mine that took forever to carve. This is it with light so you can see how it was carved.

However, when you light it up it makes it worth the work. Mine took first place at the ward party.

Bret's wicked vampire pumpkin!

1 comment:

Matt and Amie said...

You seriously carved those pumpkins?!!? They are incredible! Wow!