Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day!

Valentines Day was really fun! As a kid there were two things that my family did. One was when we delivered Valentines to people we would put it on their doorstep and then knock and run. The second tradition that I love was on Valentines Day there would be a knock at the door and when we opened it there would be our favorite box of cereal. The Valentine fairy would always leave each of us our own favorite cereal. Mine was always Fruity Pebbles. It was so great because we never got that good cereal except on Valentines Day. So, here are a few pictures of these two traditions with my own kids.

Kezia and Kessa as we are getting back home from delivering Valentine cards to Kezia's friends.

Kezia is my Chocolate kid. She loves chocolate and was so excited to open the door and find this big "I Love You" chocolate from Grandma Millie. She also loved the Tinkerbell valentine card as you can see she is holding it tight.

Kessa was stoked about her cereal. :-) Okay, Daddy just got this box down to be funny but it was so funny because she was so happy when he gave it to her.

My little Kezia is such an Ellett. She got the cereal she wanted and couldn't help pulling a face for the picture.

Happy Valentines Day!!!

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