Friday, July 10, 2009

This Is The Place

We went up to This is the Place park. I just knew it was going to be fun...till Kezia rubbed sun block in her eye. Boy did I feel so bad and by these pictures you can see why. She could hardly open her eye and she was all splotchy.

Poor girl!Zander loved the animals. They were his favorite part, except for the train. He loves trains!

Kezia loves animals too. She gets so excited and starts waving her arms and giggling.

Kezia trying to pet the horse.

Suzie, Zander, and Abby on the train.

Kezia and mom so happy that we don't have to live in the little cabins they have there.


Nicole said...

Wow, I can't believe how big Kezia is! She has grown so much and I feel like I just saw her. I guess it has been several months now though! She is so cute--even with sunblock in her eyes. :)

MaRea Hess said...

I love your new hair cute, so CUTE!


JP said...

First of all, I second the cute hair, you look great! And don't you hate the sunscreen in the eye? Just breaks your heart. She is adorable, so fun to see her growing up! You coming to the reunion in September?