Thursday, July 17, 2008

Katrena Pregnant!!!

Okay so I thought that I would put a few pictures up of me being pregnant for those who are out of the state and can't see me. Here I am at 6 months.
This one is not so flattering but it was the best way to show you all! Enjoy my humiliation!


Suzie said...

Is there actually a baby in there or is that a ball thats gone flat?

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

Congrats on the baby! i am so excited and happy for you. When are you due? do you know what your having? is it a boy or girl? Let me throw you a Friends Baby shower or something. Would love to do one for you! Your a real good friend to me and i missed your wedding! anyhow i miss u and would love to be able to do something for you.
Please email me @
also my blog address is:

Please come and visit my blog sometime and leave comments or whatever if you would like.
we need to get together! also my phone number is 801-696-4201 (Cell)


mh said...

You are hardly even showing! I am way so excited for you! I still need to call you, but I am a big slacker!
Oh, and I love your house! Fun and exciting times!

Matt and Amie said...

You are showing!! You look great! Cute shorts. How have you been feeling?

McKelle said...

OH MY GoSH!! Kat, what's up? I can obvioulsy see what you've been up to! I'm so glad I found your blog! You look so cute pregnant even though that is now what I look like normal! With my work out ethic it's not hard to imagine that right?! Wow! I'm still stoked that I found you! I love your wedding pics, your hiking trips and the new house! How Fun! It looks like your doing real gooD!! Congrats on the baby!!