Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rock Climbing

Bret and I went rock climbing. Okay, I didn't rock climb...unfortunately. Diana, my old roommate and her friend came with. We had fun! However, I will never be pregnant in the summer again. I'm missing out on everything!!!

Okay, here is a picture of my belly!
Bret never ceases to make me laugh!

Here is a picture of me at my shower. It turned out great! I was surprised at how many came.


Heidi Gail Richhart said...

of course alot of people came! you totally are popular. Everyone loves you! when is that little one expected to show up? can't wait to see pictures and all.

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

btw... here is my address so you can keep in contact and all when you can.

Heidi Richhart
3844 South Danbury Cir.
Magna, Utah 84044-2223

Suzie said...

Looks like you guys had fun. Now that you say you will never be pregnant in the summer that is the only time you will get pregnant. I don't think you look full term at all! I think I looked like that at 5 months along.

Stacey said...

Kat...great pictures! You still look so little! I miss Utah and the fun things that you guys all get to do together! Give us a few years and we'll be back to play with you! Tell Bret and baby hi!

mh said...

Your tummy isn't big enough yet! =) And where are your stretch marks? Lucky girl! Let us know when Kezia is born!

Julia said...

Sooo... I know you've had the baby how about some pics?